Promoting STEM education in Kalamazoo County
Welcome to KAMSC!
Welcome to KAMSC, the Kalamazoo Area Mathematics and Science Center is a regional enrichment center serving both public and private school districts in the counties of Kalamazoo and St. Joseph.
Our onsite program serves students residing in the Kalamazoo Regional Educational Service Agency (KRESA) service area. We also provide professional learning and outreach programs to fulfill our primary mission of enriching the quality of mathematics and science education for all students in Kalamazoo and St. Joseph Counties.
KAMSC was a founding member of the Michigan Math and Science Centers Network and is a founding member of the National Consortium of Secondary STEM Schools. The Michigan Math and Science Centers Network was a statewide collaboration of over 30 STEM Centers, and was a core element of the system of support for K-12 STEM education in Michigan. While some of these duties have been absorbed by the MiSTEM Network, KAMSC continues to provide high quality STEM opportunities that can reach every child in our state either through direct student services or by providing teacher professional learning.

Daily Schedule

2 class days- Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays
7:05-7:50AM- Wednesdays only, enrichment
8:00-9:12 AM
9:16-10:27 AM
11:30-12:44 PM
12:46-2:00 PM
2:05-3:05 PM- Wednesdays only, enrichment
3 class days-Mondays and Fridays
1st Hour: 8:00-8:47 AM
2nd Hour: 8:51-9:37 AM
3rd Hour: 9:41-10:27 AM
4th Hour: 11:30-12:18 PM
5th Hour: 12:21-1:09 PM
6th Hour: 1:12-2:00 PM
7th Hour: 2:05-3:05 PM (Teacher discretion.)
Mon. and Fri.--1,2,3,4,5,6,7
Inclement Weather
KAMSC follows the Kalamazoo Public Schools schedule for snow days. If KPS is closed for a snow day, KAMSC is closed. If KPS is in session during inclement weather, KAMSC is also in session.
Students whose district school is closed for a snow day on a day that KAMSC is open are strongly encouraged to consider safety first when deciding whether or not to attend their KAMSC classes.
In the case of school closings, or if KAMSC evening or weekend activities, including Open Lab or the administration of entrance exams need to be canceled due to weather, announcements will be posted on this website and through various radio outlets and on the WWMT Closings page.
WWMT TV 3, WKZO (590 AM, 96.5 FM), WVFM (106.5 FM), The FAN (1660 AM), The Touch (1560 AM, 95.5 FM), WTVB (1590 AM), WNWN (98.5 FM)

Call Us.
(269) 337-0004
Monday-Friday 7:30 AM-4:00 PM
600 West Vine Street Suite 400
Kalamazoo, MI 49008