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KAMSC Class of 2029 Admissions Timeline Infographic

KAMSC will accept 8th grade applications from Friday, January 24-Monday, February 10, 2025.

The student application has three parts:

A. Student Information

B. Parent Information and Permission

C. Student Questionnaire

Please share the teacher recommendation form with you current Math, Science, and English teachers as soon as possible, so they have plenty of time to write their recommendations. Recommendations from other teachers will not be accepted.

Please share the school counselor report form with your school counselor as soon as possible. All forms must be completed for your application to be considered for admission.

Q&A (1)

Upperclassman Entrance Exam

Current 9th, 10th and 11th grade students wishing to apply to join KAMSC in the fall of 2025, can take the KAMSC entrance exam on Monday, February 17, 2025 at 2:00 PM at KAMSC.

Please note that eligibility is limited to students in the Kalamazoo Regional Educational Service Agency (KRESA) service area. To qualify, you must have completed KAMSC's grade-level mathematics requirements (or higher) by the following deadlines: Geometry by the end of 9th grade, Algebra II by the end of 10th grade, and Pre-Calculus by the end of 11th grade. Additionally, students must reside in a KRESA public school district.

For more information regarding the KAMSC admission process, please check out our info booklet.

Have a question? Check out our FAQ's.

For other questions regarding the KAMSC application process . . . kindly contact the KAMSC office at 269-337-0004, or .